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Juliana D'Andrilli, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Dept. of Biological Sciences & Advanced Environmental Research Institute (AERI)

University of North Texas
Denton, Texas 76201

Phone: +1 940.369.5707
Email: juliana.d'
ORCID: 0000-0002-3352-2564

Ecobiogeochemistry Group

The D’Andrilli “Ecobiogeochemistry” Group investigates carbon cycling and biogeochemistry in marine, freshwater, terrestrial, and cryosphere ecosystems by investigating the quantity and quality of microscopic carbon-based materials (known as dissolved organic matter: DOM). Aquatic, terrestrial, and icy environments can produce, transform, store, and transport many different types of DOM molecules that contribute greatly to global carbon cycling. This means that microscopic molecules that we cannot see without specialized tools, plays a role in our everyday lives, is continually cycling in the ecosystems of our community, and impacts the world around us. Humans are contributing to climate warming at a rate that will dramatically alter or reduce marine, terrestrial, and cryosphere DOM reservoirs within a lifetime. In a warming climate, previously “locked away” DOM stocks are being released from various ecosystems, such as permafrost, soils, and glacial ice, and the resulting DOM reactions from biotic and abiotic pathways are contributing to increasing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. In the D’Andrilli group, we research the amount and type of DOM (or ecosystem energy) that are stored in glacial ice and produced in rivers, soils, and marine waters, so we can predict its impact in the future. Determining DOM chemical composition signatures provides a mechanism to understand its reactivity and transformation patterns throughout aquatic and terrestrial networks. As a biogeochemist, an important component of my research program is to combine DOM chemistry data with ecological context, which requires an integrated data approach and strong collaborations with biologists, geologists, chemists, ecologists, and physicists. Without a combined ecological approach that values diverse perspectives on ecosystem function, we cannot fully understand ecosystem “puzzles,” resolve environmental challenges, and enforce health environmental policy.

Research Interests:

Carbon cycling within and among cryosphere, aquatic, and terrestrial ecosystems
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) production, use, storage, and transformation
Environmental chemistry


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Learn more about the Biological Sciences department and AERI at UNT via:

Listen to my interview on dissolved organic matter research for the Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) Making Waves Podcast!

Click on either button to listen.

Aired on February 6, 2018

Thank you Julie Kelso and SFS!



Special Issue: Call for Papers

What Leaves Leaves When Leaves Leave Trees?

Submission deadline: Wednesday, 1 October 2025

AGU JGR Biogeosciences

Carbon fixed by plants in soft tissues is nearly quantitatively released back to the atmosphere in a matter of years, and yet the paths, processes, and timelines by which leafy organic matter (OM) is eventually remineralized has a profound impact on the biosphere, including soils, water, and biota. Organic matter leached from soft tissues contributes to soil OM and fertility, reacts with clays and rocks, enters water bodies and shapes the light field, fuels microbial foodwebs, impacts solubility of metals, and exerts strong controls on photochemistry. Release of nutrients drives fertility in soils, spurs primary productivity in waters, and potentially denitrification and other significant abiotic and redox reactions in anoxic environments.


In this special issue, we invite primary research that quantifies the breakdown and loss of OM and nutrients from leaves, needles, and grasses through a variety of natural processes, and investigates the processes, fates, and impacts of these released materials in soils, water, biota, foodwebs, and throughout the biosphere.


Peter Hernes: UC Davis, USA

Juliana D'Andrilli: UNT, USA

Klaus Kaiser: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany


Professional Development and Communication

If you are interested in learning how to improve confidence with communicating and networking in professional settings, please contact me!

Conference Workshop Announcement

Are you considering attending the Society for Freshwater Science (SFS)

in May of 2025 in Puerto Rico?

If so, register for the workshop on improving communication skills in professional settings

Facilitators: Dr. Juliana D'Andrilli and Dr. Kaleb Heinrich​

Join us from 8am-12pm on May 18, 2025 for the communication workshop!

​Improving confidence with communicating and networking in professional settings

Most communication workshops focus on lecturing, instead of providing tools to practice in a group setting. Our workshop focuses on the effective use of improvisation techniques to improve confidence with communication in the scientific community and to foster professional development for individuals to network successfully. The objective of this workshop is to educate and practice improvisation skills that will prepare participants for confident networking and socializing regardless of the communicative situation including (i) taking the first steps/initiating a conversation, (ii) maintaining a conversation, (iii) giving a presentation, (iv) physical presence/body awareness when involved in a conversation, and (v) quick critical and creative thinking.










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How have human beings impacted these waters?

We are identifying spatiotemporal patterns of fluorescent DOM in the West Fork of the Gallatin River, coupling gross primary production, ecosystem respiration, and DOM characterization as the system moves from peak to base flow conditions with increasing land-use development.

Led by Robert A. Payn (Montana State University)

and Juliana D'Andrilli (UNT)

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What DOM compounds fluoresce in natural and engineered ecosystems?

We are identifying the chemical compounds that can be detected with Excitation Emission Matrix Fluorescence Spectroscopy using direct measurement techniques in order to unify fluorescent community language that will minimize confusion and misinterpretations. Researchers, both young and old, let’s keep the conversation going and learn more from DOM photophysical properties that we can measure by EEMs.

Led by Fernando Rosario-Ortiz (University of Colorado, Boulder) and Juliana D'Andrilli (UNT)

Environmental Science & Technology 2022: PDF

Environmental Science & Technology 2020: PDF

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Are we getting the same answer?

This is a mass spectrometry (MS) DOM research project with 16 participating laboratories worldwide working towards an optimized protocol for best practices in the molecular assessment of dissolved organic matter using high resolution MS techniques (Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance and Orbitrap MS instruments). 

Led by: Jeffrey Hawkes (Uppsala University, Sweden)

and Juliana D'Andrilli (UNT; previously LUMCON)

Limnology & Oceanography Methods: Open Access PDF


What effects does legacy mining have on river ecosystems and how will the EPA's superfunded Upper Clark Fork River project change ecosystem regimes over the next 20 years?

We are a large team of 5 researchers seeking to identify the metabolic ecosystem regime changes with ongoing river restoration efforts. The team's multidisciplinary efforts are focused on metal concentrations, water quality (inorganic and organic carbon), DOM quality and metal complexation, hydrology, and biological dynamics from microbes to aquatic organisms, such as insects and fish.

Led by: Maury Valett  (University of Montana), Mike DeGrandpre (University of Montana), Juliana D'Andrilli (UNT), Rob Payn (Montana State University), and Marc Peipoch (Stroud Water Research Center).

Limnology & Oceanography Bulletin: PDF

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What types of OM compounds and microbial matter fluoresce in the ice that we can measure from the borehole walls?

We used a Deep UV fluorescence mapping spectrometer, coupled to a drill system, to scan from the surface to 105 m depth into the Greenland ice sheet. The scan included firn and glacial ice and demonstrated that the instrument is able to determine small (mm) and large (cm) scale regions of OM concentration and discriminate spectral types of organic matter at high resolution. The spectral signatures were consistent with OM fluorescence from microbes, lignins, fused-ring aromatic molecules, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and biologically derived materials such as fulvic acids. Our methodology could be useful for detecting microbial and organic hotspots in terrestrial icy environments and on future missions to the Ocean Worlds of our Solar System. 

Team: Michael J. Malaska, Rohit Bhartia, and Kenneth S. Manatt, William J. Abbey (Jet Propulsion Laboratory and California Insititue of Technology), John C. Priscu (Montana State University), Boleslaw Mellerowicz, Joseph Palmowski, Gale L. Paulsen, Kris Zacny (Honeybee Robotics), Evan J. Eshelman (Impossible Sensing), and Juliana D’Andrilli (UNT)

Astrobiology: PDF

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What is the chemical composition of DOM above methane seeps compared to non-seep Arctic waters? 

Gas bearing sediments release methane to the water column from seeps in the Arctic Ocean. The seeping methane dissolves and supports the growth of aerobic methane oxidizing bacteria, but the effect of seepage and seep related biogeochemical processes on water column DOM dynamics is not well constrained. We compared dissolved methane, nutrients, chlorophyll, and particulate matter concentrations and methane oxidation rates from  the continental margin of Svalbard and the Barents Sea. 

Team: Muhammed Fatih Sert, Bénédicte Ferré, and Anna Silyakova (CAGE), Juliana D'Andrilli (UNT; previously at LUMCON), Friederike Gründger (CAGE and Aarhus University), Helge Niemann (CAGE and Utrecht University), Mats A. Granskog (Norwegian Polar Institute), and Alexey K. Pavlov (Polish Academy of Sciences and Fram Centre)

Frontiers in Earth Sciences, Special Issue: Recent Advances in Natural Methane Seep and Gas Hydrate Systems: PDF

Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) in combination with optical measuremets (e.g., absorbance and fluorescence) has become a popular form of analysis to characterize dissolved organic matter (DOM) as a function of molecular size. Here, SEC coupled with in-line absorbance scan and fluorescence emission scan was utilized to derive apparent fluorescence quantum yield (Φf) as a function of molecular weight (MW) for DOM. Individual instrument specific SEC-fluorescence detector correction factors were developed by comparison of a SEC based excitation emission matrix (EEM) to an excitation emission matix EEM generated by a calibrated benchtop fluorometer. The method was then applied to several sample sets to demonstrate how to measure the Φf on unknown DOM samples and to observe changes to Φf following a processing mechanism (ozonation). The Φf of riverine water samples and DOM fulvic acid isolates from Suwannee River and Pony Lake increased from <0.5% to a maximum of ~2.5-3% across the medium to low MW range. Following ozonation of PLFA, the Φf increased most notably in the large MW fractions (elution volumes < 40 mL). Overall, this method provides a means by which highly fluorescent size fractions of DOM can be identified for more detailed analyses of carbon quality and its changes through different processing mechanisms. 

Team: Blair Hanson, Shelby Buckley, Sarah Fischer, and Fernando Rosario-Ortiz (University of Colorado Boulder), Urban Wünsch (Technical University of Denmark and Chalmers University of Technology), Kathleen Murphy (Chalmers University of Technology), and Juliana D’Andrilli (UNT; previously at LUMCON)

ACS Environmental Science & Technology: Water: PDF

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How can we use OM fluorescent signatures to reconstruct past and present atmospheric compositions? 

What OM type is preserved in the ice now and what will it do upon release from polar ice sheets in a warming climate?

OM composition from Greenland and Canada were characterized by Excitation Emission Matrices and compared to the first deep ice core OM record (WD, Antarctica). Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets were characterized as reservoirs of reactive carbon and upon release, albeit through one or more bio-, chemico-, and photo-reactive mechanisms, may stimulate positive carbon cycling feedbacks of greenhouse gases exacerbating climate warming.

Project team: Juliana D'Andrilli (UNT; previously at LUMCON) and Joseph R. McConnell (Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV)

Journal of Glaciology: PDF

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